Schack Guitars
to sound - playability - uniqueness
When Schack Guitars was founded in 1981 it started as a manufactory building electric guitars, acoustic guitars and bass guitars. Pretty soon Schack decided to focus on building premium bass guitars and introduced a lot of inovations irreplaceable for the market today. When Nico Schack joined the company he had access to years of experience about the process of building world class instruments and started to adding his own ideas and improvements to the knowledge that was past on to him.
the home
of passion - experience - craftmanship
The passion that I'm driven by is to make every bass guitar I build to be the best that I've ever made and to fulfill the high requirements of each individual player as best as I can. To achieve this, I consistently bring in new ideas, make improvements and small adjustments here and there, welcome evolution and growth and persistently pursue my way forward. I don't settle.

Love and passion for details
Most of the work is done by hand in pursuit of the best results

Our Covered Neck Fixing-system is a bolt on construction that isn't

Like a magnetic wooden battery- and electronic-cover for our screwless back design

Join our artist family
Order your custom instrument and join a family of more than 1000 satisfied schack artists
every bass is unique
get yourself an impression of our instruments
Schack Elements

Nico, I love my bass!
Der Schack Unique V lässt bei Fans von modernen Edelbässen kaum Wünsche offen. Besonders begeistert bin ich vom überaus hohen Spielkomfort, den der Bass dank seiner durchdachten Architektur bietet.
A seriously impressive five-string that delivers on all counts, with a tonal palette to keep even the most ardent tone technician busy.
Nimmt man kurz einen anderen Bass (im Band Setting) zur Hand, vermisst man dieses gnadenlose Fundament sofort - süchtig machend!
What a wonderful instrument. Built by Nico Schack. The bass sounds fantastic, looks beautiful and plays like a dream. You just have to hear it. unbelievable !!!!!!
absolute Weltklasse diese Bässe, feinste Handarbeit.
closer investigation reveals the sheer knowledge and craft inherent in the instrument
Ein Meisterstück der Baukunst
Bei diesem Bass stimmt von A bis Z alles, es handelt sich um ein perfekt ausgereiftes Arbeits-Instrument
Honestly, it's one of the best basses - if not the best bass - I've ever played
Was bleibt, ist Begeisterung.
Eine Steigerung scheint kaum möglich. Von satten Bässen bis zu brillianten Höhen, von kernigen Mitten bis singenden Flageoletts, alles ist drin.
"I asked to try it and found I could play it right away"
Jonas about his Schack B2 10-strings Bass
some facts
% made in Germany
years of experience
hours per build
% passion in our work
be a part of the process

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Safety First
Mono Cases
To provide the highest level of protection and comfort,
all our basses come in a functional,
ergonomic and durable MONO Case.